Title | MMAT Collection Diverse Printworks + Complete Works of AKIOKA Yoshio, Vol.6 |
Dates | 2023/10/7(Sat)~2023/11/12(Sun) |
Closed | Mondays (Except for 2023/10/9) and 2023/10/10 |
Open Hours | 10:00〜18:00(The Museum entrance closes at 5:30PM) |
Ticket | Adults ¥700(¥550) University students/High school students/Seniors (65 and older) ¥550(¥400) Junior high school students free *( )=Group of 20 or more/Meguro Citizens *Visitors with disability and one person accompanying them are admitted free of charge. (Please present certificate at the admission.) |
Organized by | Organized by:Meguro Foundation of Art and Culture (Meguro Museum of Art,Tokyo) |
MATSUBARA Naoko, Autumn Colors, Walden, 1971, woodcut, MMAT From our museum collection, we exhibit works focusing on the works of prints, and introduce various print techniques used by different artists for self-expression; copper prints, woodcuts and lithographs. Also at the same time, we plan to have a special exhibition corner of an industrial designer, AKIOKA Yoshio who is closely related to Meguro City.
List of Exhibition Collection
EI-KYU,Signal A,1953,etching on paper,36.3×26.6, MMAT
AZECHI,Umetaro,Portfolio『Call of the Mountain』, 2.Bird of the Mountain ,1963,woodcut on paper,22.0×16.2,MMAT
YAYANAGI,Go, "Journal of Beloved Animals, Second Series" ,1973,Silkscreen on paper , P. ,MMAT
OZAKU,Seishi ,"VARIATION A", 1. ,1974,lithograph on paper,MMAT