Title | Mosaic Colors of Paris Captured by KIMURA Ihei and the Artists |
Dates | 2022/2/19(Sat)~2022/3/27(Sun) |
Closed | Mondays (Except for 2022/3/21) and 2022/3/22 |
Open Hours | 10:00〜18:00(The Museum entrance closes at 5:30PM) |
Ticket | Adults ¥800(¥600) University students/High school students/Seniors (65 and older) ¥600(¥500) Junior high school students free *( )=Group of 20 or more/Meguro Citizens *Visitors with disability and one person accompanying them are admitted free of charge. (Please present certificate at the admission.) |
Organized by | Meguro Foundation of Art and Culture (Meguro Museum of Art,Tokyo) |
KIMURA Ihei (1901~1974), born in Tokyo and played an active role as an expert news and portrait photographer, went to Europe in 1954 to make coverage of Europe as the first Japanese photographer after WWII. We will exhibit the photos of Paris taken by KIMURA, as well as the works depicted in Europe by the Japanese artists that MMAT owns. Please enjoy the art session of photos and paintings as if you are travelling through the foreign land.