Gallery Exhibition

Gallery Exhibition

  • ART WAVE Exhibition

    Exhibition space: A side

    Opening hours 10:30-18:00
    Open at 14:00 on the firstday.
    Closed at 15:00 on the lastday.

  • The 34th Kinrousya-bijyutsuten

    Exhibition space: B side

    Opening hours 10:00-17:00
    Closed at 15:00 on the last day.

  • Mikkakai ten

    Exhibition space: All

    Closed at 16:00 on the last day.

  • The world of Blue Calico / Indigo Beauty with Prayer

    Exhibition space: A side

    Open at 15:00 on the first day.
    Closed at 15:00 on the last day.

  • `Katatsumuri kui-tachi ga ishi, himo, mataishi' to `kirua no shinapusu'-ten

    Exhibition space: B side

    Open at 15:00 on the first day.
    Closed at 16:00 on the last day.

  • 22+∞ Exhibition

    Exhibition space: All

    Open at 13:30 on the first day.
    Closed at 16:30 on the last day.

  • Keio University Japanese calligraphy exhibition

    Exhibition space: All

    Opening hours 10:00-17:30
    Closed at 15:00 on the last day.

  • The 3rd Old Three University of Camera Photo Exhibition

    Exhibition space: A side

    Open at 15:00 on the first day.
    Closed at 15:00 on the last day.

  • Yuuri Takanashi Solo Exhibition - Voices of the Forest -

    Exhibition space: B side

  • Alumni-active members joint exhibition of Tokyo Tech Photo Club

    Exhibition space: A side

    Closed at 16:00 on the lastday.

  • groupf 2024 Exhibition vol.7 Tokyo

    Exhibition space: A side

    Closed at 16:00 on the last day.

    groupf Facebook

  • Salon de finearts exhibition 2024

    Exhibition space: A side

    Open at 13:00 on the first day.
    Closed at 16:00 on the last day.

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